Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pumpkins and Pearls

It took us longer than planned to get to a pumpkin patch this year -- we beat our Halloween deadline by only two days.  As we expected, getting a posed picture of all three girls proved impossible because there was just too much else to do!

Like picking pumpkins.....

And transporting pumpkins....

 Arranging pumpkin displays....

Eating pumpkins....

And having a good cry over the excitement of it all....

In the end, we settled for a few individual pictures of the girls.  They had chosen their own attire --- purple dresses, of course, paired with pearls.  Why not?  :)

Happy Fall.


  1. What adorable photos of your children! They look like they are having so much fun.

  2. Oh my gosh, this is so cute! What precious little ones you have! I actually just found your blog because I was Google-ing "pumpkins and pearls" I was looking for a really classy decorating idea for fall. :) Side note, my little girl (2 next month) has the same exact little polk-a-dot dress!!
